This Apple Broccoli Bacon Fall salad will be your go to for lunches this week and weeks to come!


– Broccoli – Cheddar – Bacon – Apple – Sweet potatoes – Cranberries – Greek yogurt – Mayonaise – Karuna Viva  – Apple cider vinegar – Pecans

This is the kind of lunch you look forward to all day until lunch time or a great salad to bring to a small get together!


Steam 1 1/2 cup sweet pototao cut into about 1/2 inch pieces. Steam for about 15 minutes. To where you can stick it with your fork, but will still be a great consistency to hold together in the salad.

Chop your broccoli and place in large bowl. Add in cooked chopped bacon, chopped apples, pecans, chopped cheddar cheese, chopped red onion and cranberries.

When sweet potatoes have cooled. Pour into the bowl and mix until combined again.

Then pour the Tangy Berry dressing over it. Cover and place in fridge over night. Then enjoy!

Want to give this recipe a try?  Swipe up for the full recipe!