I am not sure why I have not done more things with pita pockets! They are so much fun, soooo easy for Ainsley to chew and let’s face it, bread can get pretty borings– why not mix it up once and while! That is where these Cobb Salad Pita Sandwiches come to the rescue!
These are so easy to make, and a crowd pleaser, because you can adapt them to whatever ingredients you want inside! For example Ainsley is not a huge meat fan so in her’s I put: sauce, avocado, hard boiled egg, bacon & cheese. For the rest of ours we put everything in it! However, this makes it so much easier, because we are so big on not making “multiple meals” for everyone in the family to be happy at dinner time.
What also makes these Cobb Salad Pita Sandwiches super easy?
Rotisserie Chicken baby!
Picking up a rotisserie chicken and then taking it off the bone so it is ready for the next to make these is the best! You can always make them day of too. It is so nice to have that ready to roll and then extra for more lunches as well!
Let’s get started on these Cobb Salad Pita Sandwiches!

Are Naan & Pita bread the same thing?
In this recipe we want Pita Bread for the Cobb Salad Pita Sandwiches
Naan is more fluffy, bubbly and often oval shape, whereas pita is circular and has these wonderfully convenient pockets! Both delicious in their owns ways. However, naan is made a lot of times with yogurt, butter, eggs etc. whereas pita is made with flour, salt, water, yeast and need to be cooked at a certain heat to create those pockets.
So in this recipe we want to get PITA bread at the store, to make sure we have the pockets to stuff!

What can you prep on the weekend to make these Cobb Salad Pita Sandwiches super easy during the week?
- At the store I’d purchase a rotisserie chicken, so you don’t have to worry about poaching chicken etc.
- Cook the bacon ahead of time, so you aren’t dealing with it after work or long day! I always like to prep bacon during the weekend, to then pull out for breakfasts, this meal etc.
- You can always make the easy Herbed Garlic Aioli for the sandwiches over the weekend too, it will last up to 7 days in the fridge.
All these things are great to do ahead of time. However, if you don’t do these ahead of time, that is okay too! All of those things above do not take much time and then after those steps above, it is really just assemble time.

Cobb Salad Pita Sandwich
Cobb Salad Pita Sandwich
- 3 pita breads cut them each in half to get 6 pita pockets
- 3 cups rotisserie chicken
- 3 cup chopped romaine lettuce
- 3 hard boiled eggs
- 1 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
- 2 cup shredded cheese
- 1 avocado
- 6 pieces of bacon
- Cut each of the pita breads in half, short ways, not long ways. That way it creates 2 great sized pita pockets. Carefully take your fingers and separate the layers, to create the pocket. Gently to not rip
- Then for each pita pocket, layer the sauce on the inside, then chicken, tomatoes, avocado, bacon, cheese, lettuce, diced hard boiled egg. Then drizzle with anymore of the dressing you’d like.
- Then Enjoy!! I mean how easy is that? YUM!
Took the outside of this and filled it with your Copy Cat Panera Modern Greek Salad – it was refreshing and delicious after so much comfort food from thanksgiving.
Oh my gosh how smart is this!! I love the Modern Greek– thanks so much for the wonderful idea!!