They are SO stinking good. Have the PERFECT crisp and are the best snack.


– Gala apples – Cinnamon – Coconut sugar

You can mix up the spices to even make more Fall like ones too. Honestly the options are endless with these babies.


On cut board place your 3 apples. Take knife and carefully core out the center of your apples. Making sure it goes straight through the center, but does not break the apple.

Now you will get to slicing your apple chips! Anything thicker than 1/8 will still be OH so yummy, however they won't be super crispy. So now you slice the apples horizontally in 1/8 inch slices. 

Next either put your cinnamon and coconut sugar in a shaker or mix in a small bowl and sprinkle over the tops of the apple slices.

Place the racks in the oven and bake for 1 hour. Then remove the baking sheets and switch racks. Bake for another 1-1 1/2 hours.

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